Geneameme: Australia Day 2014

Pauleen Cass over at Family History across the seas has challenged Aussie geneabloggers to an Australian themed geneameme for Australia Day/Invasion Day/Survival Day, The questions are really interesting so I hope my answers are as well 🙂

The Family Tree:
My first ancestor to arrive in Australia was the convict William Chapman aka Peter Brett Adnum on the Neptune in 1818

I have Australian Royalty, the above mentioned William Chapman, John Fibbens Marquess of Hastings 1825, Robert Muffett Bussorah Merchant 1828, John Brown Asia 1828,  Mary Ann Holgate Roslyn Castle 1830, Sarah Ann Watkins Burrell 1832 and Robert Bird Bengal Merchant 1838.

James Fibbens the brother of John was transported with him, the pair having engaged in a spot of unsuccessful highway robbery and Robert Muffett’s younger brother James was sent out on the James Pattison in 1837 for theft. My research so far also indicates the increasing likelihood that John Green arrived as a convict and it is certain that his son Thomas became one whilst in New South Wales, being sentenced to 15 years transportation for Dray Robbery in 1845 and subsequently sent to Hobart on the Waterlily. John’s daughter Ann also married a convict, Benjamin Taylor Eliza 1820. His daughter Louisa married Robert Muffett.

My partner’s family went for quality over quantity. The only convicts to be found in his tree so far are Henry Kable and Susannah Holmes, true Australian Royalty!

I’m an Aussie mongrel, my ancestors came to Oz from England, Ireland, The Shetland Isles, Guernsey & Sark, Germany, and France via North Africa and the Middle East.

Did any of your ancestors arrive under their own financial steam? My paternal side consists of assisted immigrants and those who travelled at his majesty’s expense, although I remain unsure about the family of John Green on the Enchantress 1833, they were not assisted but as it is likely that John was sent out as a convict who fronted the money for their passage?

On the maternal side of South Australian settlers, only Charlotte Lose, Holmsdale 1879 and William & Betsy Tozer William Stuart 1853 had their passage assisted and Lawrence Tulloch traded his labour for passage on the City of Adelaide 1882.

So the Black family Cormomandel 1837, the Rendall’s John Renwick 1837, the Warren’s Asia 1839, William Creaton Eland Hoogley 1846, Walter Le Pelley Marian 1861 and my grandfather on the Orsova 1954. My grandfather’s father was also a seaman and had been in Australia a number of times before he settled, his last voyage here was as a passenger not crew.

How many ancestors came as singles? 7 convicts, Grandpa, Walter Le Pelley, Charlotte Lose and William Creaton Eland. So 11, or does John Green count as well?

How many came as couples? The Sinclair’s only on the Ayrshire 1841, although Samuel’s two children from his previous marriage were to follow on the Sir Edward Parry in 1848

How many came as family groups? On my paternal side the Reader’s Earl Grey 1841, the Clifton’s John Gray 1852, the Boss’s Commodore Perry 1855. The Lynch’s as well but so far their actual arrival has been elusive. The Friend’s Neptune 1839 arrived as an extended family group. The Friends were part of a group of Sussex natives who had their fare’s paid for by the local Poor Law Union. On the maternal side the Black’s, Rendall’s, Tozer’s and Warren’s all arrived in extended family groups.

Did one person lead the way and others follow? It is assumed that the Green’s were following their transported patriarch, and Samuel Sinclair’s two children did later follow as did his brother and sister in law. Jesse Friend Snr followed his children after the death of his wife and my great grandfather settled after my grandfather and his aunt emigrated with her English husband later still.

What’s the longest journey they took to get here? You know, this is not something I have really considered.

Did anyone make a two-step emigration via another place? The Lynch’s and the Sinclair’s went first to Scotland from Ireland although whether this counts as two step is debatable really. My grandfather went from one part of the French Middle East and North Africa to another before embarking in Marrakesh. His Aunt married in the newly formed Israel and I believe her and her husband lived in  England for a time before emigrating. Walter Le Pelley came to Australia via Ceylon where his eldest sister and her husband resided.

Which state(s)/colony did your ancestors arrive? New South Wales and South Australia. Walter Le Pelley did first arrive in Victoria and made his way overland to South Australia.

Did they settle and remain in one state/colony? For the most part yes, no one really started moving around until the 20th Century. Although some of the Tozer’s went to Victoria for awhile in the 1880s and 1890s but returned to South Australia before long.

Did they stay in one town or move around?  A rather mixed bag on that account, some families remained rather stationary but others moved.

Do you have any First Australians in your tree? Not that we have found so far.

Were any self-employed? Most were farmers so yes.

What occupations or industries did your earliest ancestors work in? Sailors, Farmers, Publicans, the Black’s were Saddlers. And public servants 😉

Does anyone in the family still follow that occupation? Still plenty of farmers amongst the cousins.

Did any of your ancestors leave Australia and go “home”? Not as such. My great grandfather married a Greek woman and they returned to her homeland in the 1960s/70s, but he was born in Egypt and was of French extraction so not ‘home’ for him really.


What’s your State of Origin? New South Wales

Do you still live there? Yes

Where was your favourite Aussie holiday place as a child? My maternal grandparents in Townsville

Any special place you like to holiday now? Townsville is still my favourite

Share your favourite spot in Oz: Oooh That’s hard, although the National Park beaches here on the Central Coast are up there

Any great Aussie adventure you’ve had? In 1988? 89? My Grandma, Mum and I went on an epic road trip from our home in NSW to Melbourne and then all the way to Townsville. I only remember some of it but it was fantastic and something I’d love to one day do again. I wonder where the photos from that trip ended up?

What’s on your Australian holiday bucket list? Tasmania and the Top end.

How do you celebrate Australia Day? I’ve studied enough history that overt displays of nationalism tend to make me uncomfortable. We tend towards the quiet of unpopular beaches and family bbqs.

  1. You've certainly got quality Royalty…and you so easily could have been American! You're well represented in the royalty stakes and it's good to know their families followed afterwards.

    You've also got fascinating migration journeys mixed up there! I definitely regard the Ireland to Scotland as a different step – they often seemed to go for seasonal work initially.

    Melbourne to Townsville is a long haul and would have been memorable. Time to hunt down those photos"

  2. There is. It was written by Marie Green (descendant of Sarah Fibbins) and Frank Brown (Descendent of Mary Ann Fibbins) and self published in 2000. I have a copy but I have no idea where (or if) it would be possible to obtain more. I am a descendant of David Fibbins (Fibbins was my mother's maiden name and there are not many Fibbins still around!)

  3. Hello Sharon
    I am currently researching my family history and note that Peter Brett Adnum AKA William Chapman and Mary Ann Holden AKA Holgate, Holding are my great, great, great grandparents on my father's maternal mother's side. I am keen to find out more about the family as well as their son, George Piner Adnum. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, Dianne Spanswick

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