Chasing Birds
While I have been chatting to my maternal grandfather’s cousins about that side of the tree, my dad has been chasing birds. Not the feathered variety, but those of his maternal ancestry.
See our line in Australia stems from Robert Bird born c.1819 most likely in Norfolk to – if his death certificate is correct – Richard Bird and his wife Susan nee Frost. In 1837 he was caught stealing a horse with Robert Greenwood and transported out here on the Bengal Merchant in 1838.
We have a reasonably clear picture of his descendants, I don’t think it is completely exhaustive but for the most part we know the lines of his 10 kids for at least a generation or two. However, speaking to Nana (who at 101 is still sharp as a tack) and her remaining sisters there are all these cousins all these other Birds who they remember fondly from their childhoods that we just cannot place as descended from Robert.
So there are a couple of possibilities.
- They aren’t actually related by blood just share the surname
- They are descended from a brother or uncle of Robert.
Very keen to hear from you regarding a "Bird" DNA match at MyHeritage. Message left there with contact details. Chris W